Wednesday, November 30, 2005


There it lies
Deep but not dark.
Hidden from the eye
that jumps to judge, and lurch
to smell and search.

Its sensuous presence
lives on in my soul.
Questioning my actions
dormant, but active.
A core within my core.
Swollen but not sore.

In a corner it sleeps
buried not forgotten.
Forgiven yet forbidden
to snow its face.
Tempting to uncover the past
running into the future,
holding on to mature.

You won't be killed,
you won't be stripped.
You'll continue to linger
in my senses, safe.
Provoking to keep more like you
in the coffin of my heart.
You are my twin slave,
you'll go with me to my grave.

1 comment:

divya said...

like i told u ... i am officially jealous..!