Wednesday, March 07, 2007


They make weird patterns;
streamers of light, shining
in different hues.
I can make them twist and turn,
taking shapes I straighten and skew.
I change the shades
with the power of my mind.
Red, yellow and purple;
glowing, they are real.
More real than my body
floating in the clouds,
lying parallel to the ground.

Green mixed with indigo,
blue sprinkled over orange,
and pink garnished
with some yellow filings.

The combinations change
with my moods.
Passion sees deep purple,
elastic tubes of light.
They do a ballet to the music
playing at the core of my brain cells.
The music gets louder
and the strobe lights become sparkles,
elegant and supple,
and begin to sprinkle a burst
of colour across the pallet of my eye.

I’m numb
And the colours alive.
A supernova
born in the boundless confines of mind,
set free through the boundaries
of the sky.

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