Monday, September 19, 2005


Books get you thinking...
some books really tap your innermost feelings and emotions...

one thing that struck me about "Tuesdays with Morries" was the simplicity of expression...
saying complex things in a straight simple manner makes the reader get down to basics...
Do some basic thinking about the most basic things that matter to us...
which we never get to doing...
we are so busy doing things that are not so important to us that
we don't focus on what really is important to us...
if we do what our heart wants and apply our mind when doing it
we can derive utmost joy out of it...

in case all this sounds like a lecture...
it is just something i need to do at the moment...
speak to my inner self...
if we spend some time speaking to our innerself
we shall realise, know and understand what we really are...
we would grow each moment..with each situation and each event in our lives...
and we would be fully aware of even a miniscule change and growth within us...

ask yourself questions...and then let your innerself answer them...
asking questions always helps you learn...
and if you don't get an should know that
the time hasn't come yet for the answer...
but your questions have set it into motion and it shall be arriving any moment...
you just need to keep your ears open to listen to it...
for it might come from anywhere...
but you got to believe that it will come
and that only you can make it come to you...

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